Knowing different types of mustards will open your mind. Although the most common mustard is Dijon mustard, it may not always be the best choice for your dish. You may want something spicier or milder. That’s when other options come to your mind.
In this informative article, I will introduce to you 17 varieties of mustard. All of them have unique tastes and textures. I will also show you how they are used. I am sure you will find the best option for your next recipe.
An Overview Of Mustards
As you probably know, mustard is a famous condiment that is very commonly used in savory dishes such as sausages, meat, and salads. It has a distinctive spicy taste that will take your dish to the next level. It also has some bitter notes.
Mustard is created from mustard seeds. There are three common types of mustard seeds: black, white, and yellow, but most types of mustard consist of white seeds.
This condiment comes in several textures. Some have a pure creamy texture, while others are thick and coarse.
Mustard does not solely contain mustard seeds. People often add some other ingredients, such as wine vinegar, egg yolks, and honey, to balance out and add more flavors.
17 Types Of Mustards That You May Not Know
Here is the best part. I will show you all types of mustard, their appearance, taste, texture, and how to use them in cooking. Much interesting information is waiting for you ahead.
1. Whole Grain Mustard
Whole grain mustard has a very thick texture. But you will see the whole seeds held together by a thick sauce. Depending on the mustard seeds included, whole-grain mustard can have different flavors. It can be both spicy and sweet but sometimes bitter.
With a coarse texture, whole grain mustard looks totally different from yellow mustard, which has a creamy texture.
You can add this type of mustard in salad dressing or in sauces. It is a great companion for sausages, Pretzels, ham sandwiches, and cheese plates.
To produce whole grain mustard, people use black and brown mustard seeds instead of yellow ones to create a spicier taste. They tend to replace vinegar with wine.
2. Honey Mustard
Those who want a type of mustard with some hints of sweetness will find honey mustard an ideal choice. People make it by combining equal amounts of honey and mustard. It is also yellow in color but is a little bit deeper.
Yellow mustard seeds are utilized to create honey mustard because they have a mild flavor that pairs well with honey.
There are plenty of honey mustard in the market, but you should always look for the tastiest container of honey mustard to ensure that you always get its best taste.
What people say about honey mustard is that it is sweet rather than spicy. It also has some heat but is warm, not spicy at all. People use it to make salad dressing and serve it with finger foods and sandwiches.
British people often mix honey and Demerara sugar to coat pork chop and cutlets before grilling them.
This easy honey mustard recipe is exactly what you need.
3. Spicy Mustard (Spicy Brown Mustard)
This type of mustard is only for those who have a taste for very spicy dishes. Spicy mustard contains brown mustard seed and little vinegar, so most of the original spicy flavor remains. Sometimes nutmeg, ginger, and cinnamon are added for some earthy notes.
To make it even spicier, people sometimes add horseradish. This variety is known as “deli-style” mustard because it is prevalent in delis sandwiches. It plays the role of liven up the amazing flavor of cold cuts.
Also, it can enhance the flavor of meat dishes such as sausages, roasted beef, and pastrami. It makes a great condiment for meaty sandwiches.
Spicy mustard has a coarse texture since it is not ground completely. This also results in a brownish-yellow color.
4. American Mustard (Yellow Mustard)
Another name of American mustard is yellow mustard. The name says all about it. It is perhaps the signature mustard of America. People often just call it “mustard” rather than “American mustard.”
People describe it as vinegary. It also offers some sweet notes. They often use it to complement the flavor of BLT sandwiches, hamburgers, salad dressing, and barbecue sauces.
The turmeric content in American Mustard gives it a beautiful yellow color. It is a wonderful choice if you want to add just a mildly spicy flavor.
Discover more fascinating truth about American mustard now.
5. Horseradish Mustard
The root of horseradish has a distinctive spicy taste that is perfect for making mustard. People grate and mash horseradish, then add mustard seeds and vinegar to create a spicy, tangy, and earthy condiment.
Horseradish mustard has the typical cream texture. But it is slightly coarse because of the mustard seed content. People mainly serve it as a dipping sauce.
Since this type of mustard contains fresh ingredients, namely horseradish, you should be careful about the possibility that mustard will spoil. Looking for information on its shelf life would help.
6. Dijon Mustard
Here it is – the most widespread variety of mustards. Dijon mustard was named after its origin, a French town called Dijon. It comes in a creamy yellow paste that tastes pungent, tangy, and spicy.
Traditionally, it contains brown mustard seeds and verjuice. But the modern version uses white wine instead. You can serve Dijon mustard with any savory dish, such as meats, vinaigrettes, and sandwich spreads.
You can enjoy Dijon mustard by itself as a condiment. You can also combine it with other ingredients for more flavors.
You can make your own Dijon mustard in just a few steps.
7. English Mustard
If you need strong mustard, English mustard is the right choice. It consists of brown and yellow mustard seeds, so its taste is much spicier than other types. There is also no vinegar. People often add some acid to stabilize the flavor.
Notably, it looks pretty much similar to American mustard with bright yellow color and creamy, thick texture. You can use English mustard as an ingredient for your dish or as a condiment to serve along with it.
8. Hot Pepper Mustard
This type of mustard is made by combining common types of mustard, such as yellow mustard, brown mustard, and spirited mustard, with a variety of chili peppers.
People often do that when they want to add more heat to the mustard. They use whole peppers or hot pepper sauce, such as Tabasco or Sriracha, to enhance its taste and enjoy it along with hotdogs, hamburgers, sandwiches, and chicken.
9. Fruit Mustard
People even add fruit to mustard. Can you believe that? Fruit mustard is created by adding dried fruit to sweet mustard then preserving the mixture, resulting in a fruity and sweet mustard with a little bit of spiciness and pungency. Common types of fruit used are cherries and apples.
You can add this amazing mustard to vinaigrette dressings and poultry glaze or serve it with pretzels. It also makes a great accompaniment for meat dishes.
10. Bavarian Sweet Mustard
This mustard has its root in Bavarian, a state of Germany. It consists of a special type of mustard seed called “Kibbled.” People also add honey, vinegar, and apple sauce to adjust the flavor, making it sweeter. Sometimes they just call it “sweet mustard.”
Since it originates in Germany, it often goes with German recipes, especially sausages such as Leberkäse and Weißwurst. It is also an ingredient in hotdogs, burgers, and sandwiches.
11. Beer Mustard
There is a type of mustard that is created using beer in place of vinegar, resulting in a bitter taste that is typical of beer. It also has a malt-like flavor, which is slightly nutty and sweet. You can serve it with sandwiches, burgers, and pretzels or use it to make BBQ sauce.
If the beer mustard contains mellow brews, you can hardly feel the taste of beer. However, when it has full-bodied beer, the flavor will be more sophisticated.
Why not create the stunning flavor of beer mustard right at home?
12. Düsseldorf Mustard
If you are searching for an alternative to Dijon mustard, Düsseldorf mustard is the best choice. Its flavor is very close to Dijon mustard but is a little bit more pungent. Depending on the mustard seeds used, it can have less or more heat than Dijon mustard.
People often use brown, white, or decorticated black mustard to make Düsseldorf mustard. The brown mustard side is often removed. Sometimes, they add very little of the mixture of clove and ground black pepper.
Düsseldorf mustard is produced from brown mustard seeds and flavored with brandy vinegar and beer. It has a sweet, sour, and spicy taste. So flavorful, isn’t it? But it is just a little bit spicy. People normally add it to marinades, salad dressings, and ethnic dishes.
13. Creole Mustard
If you live in Louisiana or other regions of the Southeastern region of America, you may know Creole mustard. Its texture is very similar to whole-grain mustard, which is coarse, and its flavor is comparable to Dijon mustard, but it is a bit spicier.
Creole mustard is spicy and tangy since it consists of brown mustard seeds. The makers use vinegar instead of white wine to produce it.
Because of its similarity to Dijon mustard, Creole mustard can contribute to the flavors of a variety of dishes, including but not limited to salads, sauces, glazes, sandwiches, and pretzels. It is also ideal for marinating seafood and other food.
14. Chinese Hot Mustard
Chinese hot mustard is loved for its strong spicy flavor and creamy texture. It consists of dry mustard powder and rice vinegar.
Since this mustard is so overpowering, people do not often utilize it in cooking. People serve it along with appetizers, eggs rolls, and spring rolls. You can also add it to your favorite Chinese side dishes, such as salads and meat dishes.
People use brown mustard seeds to make it, resulting in a much pungent taste. When you are short of time, you can create it just by adding water to dry mustard powder.
Chinese hot mustard will give a strong kick to your dishes.
15. French Mustard
You are probably thinking that French mustard originates in France, right? But this is not the case. It was created in the UK by the famous brand Colman.
Unlike other types of mustard which has a yellow hue, French mustard is a paste with a distinctive brown color. It has a moderately tangy flavor. People most commonly serve it alongside steak.
16. Spirited Mustard
Spirited mustard is created by adding spirits to mustard. Are you curious about how it is different from beer mustard? People produce beer mustard using beer in the place of vinegar. On the other hand, spirited mustard includes both spirits and vinegar.
The spirits included in this mustard are brandy, bourbons, cognac, and whiskeys. It is less spicy than beer mustard and is often served as a dipping sauce. You can also use it as a cooking ingredient.
Although spirited mustard contains spirits, it does not have any alcoholic content. The spicy taste remains the same, yet a robustly deep flavor is added.
17. Grey-Poupon Mustard
If you are a true fan of mustard, you probably know Grey-Poupon mustard. It is a famous brand of mustard and whole grain mustard run by Maurice Grey and Auguste Poupon since 1866 in Dijon, France.
Both of them are mustard producers. Notably, Maurice Grey got the medals for his excellent Dijon mustard machine.
Grey-Poupon mustard is very prevalent in popular culture, particularly among rappers. Its Dijon mustard has become one of the most popular mustard in the world. It has a robust taste that is incredibly mouth-watering.
A Concise Guide To Mustard Seeds And Mustard Powder
If you are wondering whether to buy mustard seeds or mustard powder, the following information is what you need to know. I will help you choose the most suitable type of mustard.
Mustard powder is made by grinding mustard seeds. So they are basically the same. Only the texture is different. The powdered form acts as a great replacement for dry mustard in most recipes.
These two forms of mustard have a strong spicy taste regarding the flavor. But the seeds are a little bit stronger.
A great thing about mustard seeds is that you can store them for a very long time. It takes years for mustard seeds to spoil. On the other hand, if you want to mix mustard with other ingredients to make sauces, ground mustard is a better option.
With all of these amazing features, I believe that both should be present in every household.
Mustard Is Such A Great Condiment
After reading this article, I bet that you have learned many things about the types of mustards. Now it is time to consider which one to use in your next meal. Whether you are making a salad, stew, or any other dish, you can always find perfect mustard.
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