Are you on the way to finding the answer to “Do Starbursts expire”? Stop right there because this article is what you need. For hardcore Starburst fans, it’s easy to randomly encounter these colorful candies in purses, on a corner of the pantry, or anywhere in their houses.
Unfortunately, sometimes these sweet treats have been sitting for too long, and their expiration date has long gone. However, since these expired candies still look as good as new, you may wonder whether they are really out of date and have become inedible.
Lucky for you, I’m here to give you a proper explanation. Scroll down, and you will gradually unfold the secrets behind Starburst’s expiration date, its shelf life, signs of spoilage, and more.
Knowing the secrets behind Starburst’s expiration date will help you choose the freshest candies.
A Quick Glance At Starburst
Starburst is a famous candy brand of The Wrigley Company, under the guidance of Mars. Incorporated. This confectionery brand is beloved for a series of fruit-flavored candies, such as strawberry, pina colada, lemon, and more.
Founded in the 1960s, the brand started in the UK under the name Opal Fruits. Later, it changed to Starburst when these fruit-flavored candies took the US market by storm in 1967. Corn syrup, sugar, and seven other ingredients have shaped these confectioneries.
These American-iconic candies appear in a box shape and are wrapped in colorful papers. These sweets’ juicy and chewy texture is the selling point for children and adults alike. According to Forbes, they were one of the best-selling Halloween candy brands in 2021.(1)
Do you know the secret behind the name changing of Starburst? Find it here!
Break Down Starburst’s Expiration Date
No more beating around the bush; here comes the most crucial part. In this section, I will walk you over the expired possibility of Starburst, its shelf life, and how to read the secret expiration code.
Can Starburst Expire?
Of course, it does. Like any food item, your candy will eventually expire and become inedible. However, you must understand the difference between expired and spoiled candy. Even when Starbursts go beyond their expiration date, chances are that they are still edible.
As the FDA says, date labels on edible products are compulsory, and manufacturers are fully responsible for determining the food’s expiration date. However, these dates don’t relate to the food’s spoilage. They are only the marker of when the quality and taste start to deteriorate.
Unlike other companies, Starburst doesn’t put an expiration date on the label, but the use-by date (freshness date) instead. It tells you this candy is the freshest within a year. After the specified date, these sweets might not be in perfect condition.
In other words, the confectioners inside are safe to eat after this date, but their taste and texture may not be at their peak (2). However, no matter what day is stated on the products, by storing food properly, you can safely consume them beyond the expiration dates.
If you still have a blurry vision about the food expiration date, this detailed explanation will help.
So Is It Safe To Consume Expired Starbursts?
Short answer: yes. Remember that expired candies are different from spoiled ones. The use-by date on Starburst packaging acts more as a guideline for the best time to consume the sweet rather than putting an end to its span expectancy.
Passing the specified date, Starburst will lose its quality and become misshapen, but consuming it won’t cause serious problems. Putting the dates aside, you should focus on checking for spoiled signs, which I’ll discuss later, to decide whether to eat these candies or not.
Guess How Long Starburst Lasts After The Expiration Date
Set aside the best-before date, Starburst can maintain its quality for 1 – 2 years if it sits in a cool and dry place. Best of all, refrigerating the candy prolongs its shelf life by up to three years. Yet, freezing Starburst is not recommended since it can destroy the candy’s texture.
Keep these sweets in carriers like purses, bags, or backpacks, and they will rot in about three months. On the other hand, with a unique Starburst fruit flavor, it’s better to let them stay in the fridge for the next two years.
Factors Accelerating Starburst’s Spoilage
The lifetime of Starburst may be shorter due to the impact of extreme environmental changes. Be extra careful when storing them at room temperature because this environment is easier to get affected than the refrigerator.
Though carefully wrapped, the packaging cannot keep Starburst safe from high temperatures. Under intense heat, most candies, given unwrapped or not, will melt, discolor, and become sticky. Therefore, it’s best to avoid placing them near stoves, ovens, or other high-heat sources.
Another enemy of Starburst is moisture. Close contact with moisture will make the confectionery watery and squishy, leading to quicker deterioration.
You should also notice this when preserving Starburst in the fridge. Seal them tightly in containers to keep the candy free from other potentially watery items.
Guide To Read Starburst Expiration Code
All Mars candies have a manufacturing code on both boxes and the individual unit package. Don’t worry because the expiration date code of Mars candies, in general, and Starburst, in particular, is easy to read.
The answer lies in the first three digits of the code. In detail, the first digit represents the year, and the two following numbers are the week of the year. Apart from them, other digits or characters have nothing to do with the product’s shelf life.
For example, if you see the code 822AB02 on your Starburst packaging. These candies were made in the 22nd week of 2008, from May 26th to June 1st.
Following the manufacture date, all the confectionery products are at the freshest for up to one year and 60 days with no exceptions. Understanding the secret behind this code will help you buy the newest package on the shelves.
Signs Of Bad Starburst You Should Notice
Under different storage conditions, your fruit-flavored candies may last longer or go bad sooner than expected. There is no specific date to tell whether your Starbursts are no longer edible. Therefore, check out the signs here to determine whether you should eat them.
Before checking the candy, you can observe the outer wrappers to find hints of spoilage. Inspect the packaging and make sure there are no holes. Don’t take these tiny holes for granted.
Insects like roaches, ants, or bugs have likely intruded through the wrapper and gotten to the candy. Even though no traces of them are left, you won’t want to devour the food roaches have been chewing on.
Among all signs, discoloration is the most vivid and apparent. The presence of white coating or black dots is a sign of deterioration. Therefore, if you see the candy changing colors in some areas, refrain from consuming it.
Remember that when an area of candy has spoiled, the whole confectionery shares the same fate. Removing the rotten parts won’t make the candy edible again, so don’t waste your time to save it.
External Texture
The candy’s softness is one of the most significant hints of its freshness. Starburst is gummy candy, which is typically chewy, smooth, and soft. Therefore, any texture change signals a decrease in the candy’s quality.
Some spoilage signs show in the grainy texture, overly stickiness, or crystallization on the candy’s surface. Likewise, cracks or white veins indicate that the candy is drying out. Dried candy can be a great source of bacteria, so you’d better discard it.
Another clue of spoiled candy lies in its scent. The freshly purchased Starburst would deliver a pleasant fruity aroma. As time goes by, the smell will fade away, equal to the degradation of the candy’s freshness.
Therefore, if you open the wrapped candy and smell nothing, it may appear that the candy has sat for too long and is too old to consume. Moreover, a good rule of thumb when you smell a strange odor from Starburst is to throw it out.
When everything appears fine, candy taste could be the most reliable clue. Be aware that Starbursts should have a rich, fruity taste. Off-flavor, bitterness, or insanely sourness are signs of rancid candy, so you’d better try another pack.
On a related note, if you find Starburst too stale and hard to chew, it’s also time to say goodbye to these sweet treats.
Beware Of What Await You After Eating Expired Starburst
Although cases of illness from eating expired Starbursts are rare, the chances are not slim to none. You should be well-prepared for what could happen once consuming out-of-date candies.
Watch Out For These Potential Healthy Risks
In most cases, eating expired confectionaries is generally acceptable, though the quality and texture will decline to a certain point. However, when the candies are too old, there are some potential health risks regarding consuming them.
Digestive Issues
Your intestine is the first body part that suffers from eating expired Starburst. On rare occasions, people with sensitive stomachs may undergo some digestive issues. An upset stomach, recurring gas, or bloating are common symptoms.
Allergic Reactions
As Starburst deteriorates, molds, also known as fungi, are common sights. While moldy candies may seem harmless, they may cause allergic reactions and trigger asthma. Worse, some fungi are home to “mycotoxins,” toxins that can damage human health.(3)
Food Poisoning
Like other candies, when Starbursts pass their prime, they will develop spoilage organisms, leading to mold and off taste. The spoiled sweets can contain salmonella, which can trigger a strong reaction in the immune system. As a result, food poisoning is possible.
Seek medical help when you experience symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, fever, or vomiting. They will appear within 6 – 24 hours after you consume rotten candy.
Note these signs of food poisoning and tips to cope with it to be well-prepared in any circumstance.
Minimize The Chances Of Eating Spoiled Starburst
The best way to avoid eating rotten Starburst is to regularly inspect the candy’s condition. Do it once every couple of months, to say the least. This way, you can throw the bad ones in time, so they cannot affect others.
Besides, you should check the Starburst freshness date before purchasing. This date is the last date the manufacturers believe their product can stay freshest. Accordingly, you’d better choose packaging with the closest freshness date to make the most of its peak time.
Methods To Prolong Starburst’s Shelf Life
The only way to extend Starbursts’ lifetime is to store them with precautions. Follow the basic guidelines below to maximize the lifespan of your favorite candy.
Keep It Airtight
Once the packaging is open, storing it in an airtight container is a must. Your candy may oxidize due to exposure to sunlight and oxygen, resulting in discoloration and flavor changes. That’s why keeping your lid on the candy jar also helps to keep Starburst last longer.
Plastic wrappers are not ideal for storing Starburst since they cannot protect the edibles from heat and insects. Instead, go for aluminum wrappers if jars are not your thing. The anti-bacterial properties in these silver papers are more beneficial for your candy storage.
Temperature Is The Key
The ideal temperature for candy storage ranges from 62°F – 71°F (17°C – 22°C). Neither too hot nor too cold is good for your confectioneries. Fat bloom may occur in a hot environment. On the other hand, a lower temperature will encourage crystal formation.
Therefore, refrigerating Starburst is always highly recommended, while freezing is a hard pass. If you want to keep these sweets at room temperature, the back of your pantry or cabinet will be perfect. These places are cool and dry enough to store your Starbursts.
Whether you store Starburst in the fridge or the pantry, make sure the candy can avoid constant temperature changes.
Moisture Is Candy’s Enemy
Like temperature, moisture also affects confectionary products. Close contact between candies and moisture can change the consistency of the sweets, making them stickier. It’s best to leave them in a dry, air-ventile place with about 40% – 50% relative humidity (RH).
A Clean Environment Is Also Important
Concerning Starburst’s storage, cleanliness and hygiene are also worth considering, particularly in the fridge environment. Although your Starbursts stay still in the containers, there’s a high chance of getting infected with the germs and bacteria from the surrounding food items.
To avoid such errors, keep your confection in a separate fridge section. Otherwise, don’t place them near raw foods or high-moisture products.
Have you enjoyed this journey so far? Now that you have a basic foundation about Starburst and its expiration dates, I hope you are okay with some related information about them. Who knows, they may benefit you in the future.
Be Careful With Your Expired Starburst!
Of course, consuming these colorful treats at their peak time is always better. Nothing can go wrong if you follow the brand’s recommendations. Even though out-of-date Starbursts are edible, it doesn’t mean they are harmless.
Since the maximum shelf life of Starburst is only up to two years, you’d better stay away from any pack that passes this time. Furthermore, if you see molds, discoloration, or odor when unwrapping Starburst, discard it and grab a new one.
Have you ever eaten an out-of-date Starburst? Share your experience in the comment section. Also, it will be more interesting if you introduce this article to more Starburst fans and see their reactions. This website has more awesome content, so remember to check them out!
- Easington, N. (2022) The most popular Halloween Candy in America, by State, Forbes. Forbes Magazine.
- Driessen, S. (no date) Dates on food products. What do they mean? UMN Extension.
- Food Safety and Inspection Service (no date) Molds on Food: Are They Dangerous? | Food Safety and Inspection Service.