Fruits that start with H may still seem strange to you. All you know about this list is just horned melon or even honeydew. That’s it! Right? So, that’s why this post will surprise you!
The following list below will clear all your questions related to these “H-something” foods: What they are, how they can be good or bad for your health, and some popular ways to help you enjoy the full taste.
If you are looking to expand your knowledge and find out interesting secrets about them. You have come to the right place! Keep following to get what you want!
11 Favorable Berries With H As A Starter
Succulent berries are no longer strange to us. However, we still hear a lot about blueberries or strawberries, and those that start with H are popular? Keep on reading for more details.
1. Hackberry
Hackberries are native to North America and are a favorite food source for Americans. These fruits are small, with a thin, purple skin surrounding crispy flesh and a tiny, hard seed.
For different types, the taste will be a little different. In general, they are all delicious, sweet, crunchy, and easy to savor. These berries are considered to taste like peanuts M&Ms.
Although Hackberries are not very popular, they are a highly nutritious fruit. They are high in fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and calories, making them a great snack.
However, the seeds of these fruits are very hard. That’s why so many people have to waste them because they don’t know how to make use of them.
Some of the best ways to taste the full flavor of this nut are mashing or grinding and sifting and straining. Moreover, this kind of fruit is also pounded to make porridge or used as a seasoning to improve the flavor of the meat.
2. Huckleberry
Huckleberries look like small blueberries with different colors: blue, purple, red, etc. Purple and red ones are sweeter than blue ones. They grow in many other parts of the world and in different climates.
They are often confused with blueberries. One of the best ways to distinguish them is to look at their seeds. Huckleberries’ seeds have a tendency to be bigger and harder than blueberries’. The taste of Huckleberries is also more tart.
They are not only used as food but also have many applications in traditional medicines due to the significant benefits they can bring to your health.
They are fruits with high antioxidant content, which help the body against many diseases. At the same time, the abundant vitamin C content in Huckleberries also plays an essential role in supporting the immune system protecting eyes and skin.
Discover more about the health benefits that Huckleberries can bring to you to take advantage of them.
3. Highbush Blueberry
Highbush blueberries originate from the Eastern coastal regions of North America. It is also one of the most loved fruits of the people here.
When mentioning Highbush blueberries, many people confuse this kind of blueberry with Lowbush blueberry; however, you should be clear that Lowbush blueberries are much smaller than Highbush ones.
Perhaps this name is still unfamiliar to you, but you must have eaten it many times because they are readily available in stores surrounding you. They have a gray-brown color and are full of crunchy taste.
Just like other succulent fruits, these Highbush blueberries can be eaten fresh or cooked, dried, and used for making jellies.
4. Himalayan Mulberry
Through the name, you can easily guess the birthplace of this wonderful fruit. That’s right! They are native to the Himalayan mountains and are spread widely in India and China. When it comes to Himalayan Mulberries, you will immediately imagine the dark purple berries.
Himalayan mulberries are possibly the tastiest mulberry varieties. Its flavor is very fruity and sweet. So, if you compare other mulberries with them, it seems that they will be loved and take up more points.
These fruits are not fantastic in taste but beneficial for your health. They are high in anthocyanins, an antioxidant that helps fight oxidative stress and promote your health.
5. Highbush Cranberry
Highbush cranberries are also a well-loved succulent fruit. They are usually bright red, and their flavor is almost like cranberries, juicy and quite sour because they are rich in vitamin C. You can enjoy the best flavor of this fruit when it is slightly ripe.
This kind of fruit can be eaten raw or cooked, used in preserves, jellies, sauces, juices, jams, etc., or used as a delicious seasoning for meat.
6. Hawthorn Fruit
Hawthorn fruits are also called by different names such as May-tree, Thornapple, Hawberry, Whitethorn, Quickthorn, etc. Initially, the term “Hawthorn” was used for calling some species in European countries.
This kind of fruit is also a member of berries grown on trees or bushes, commonly found in Europe, Asia, and Northern America.
They are characterized by their cute tiny appearance, ranging in colors from yellow to dark red. These succulent berries also have a mild sweetness and sourness hint that you can’t resist.
Despite their cute little appearance, these Hawthorn fruits are extremely nutritious. Therefore, they are not only utilized to enhance the deliciousness of jams, sauces, jellies, etc. but also used as a herbal remedy for health problems related to digestion, heart, etc.
However, if you eat too much of this fruit, you have to suffer unfortunate consequences like cardiac arrhythmia, low blood pressure, nausea, or even dizziness. So, be careful with Hawthorn fruits.
Don’t skip this video if you don’t want to miss the benefits that Hawthorn fruits can bring to you.
7. Honeysuckle Fruit
Originally, Honeysuckles were grown in North America and Eurasia. They are also a type of berries and are shrub or twisted vines.
These fruits also have extremely diverse appearances. You can find them under red, blue, or even black skins. Most species of Honeysuckle fruits are poisonous and harmful to your health; however, a few of them are still edible.
8. Honeyberry
Honeyberries are a treat that shouldn’t be missed. The plant is native to Russia and is remarkably cold-tolerant, surviving temperatures of -55 degrees. It belongs to the Honeysuckle family.
These fruits are green, oblong, 1 inch (2.5 cm) long, with a distinguishable flavor. Their taste is so great that people liken it to a cross between a raspberry and a blueberry. The juicy berries are gaining popularity among gardeners in Europe and North America.
They are great to eat fresh or use in desserts, ice cream, and preserves.
Follow this video to have a better understanding of Honeyberry.
9. Husk Tomato
Husk tomato also called Tomatillo, Mexican green tomato, Mexican ground cherry, etc., is a sun-loving, vine-growing plant harvested for a long period in the summer. They are enclosed in a thin rind and often protrude when ripe. Therefore, they are likened to lanterns.
Depending on your using purpose, you can harvest this kind of fruit at different stages. The riper these fruits are, the sweeter they will be.
They smell delicious and taste sweet. Therefore, they are often treated as fruits for eating fresh, ingredients for making salads, sauces, jams, curries, stews, etc. Moreover, its wonderful flavor is also utilized to blend the tastes of many dishes.
10. Heirloom Tomato
The creation of better quality fruit varieties, bringing more economic efficiency through the hybridization method, is no longer stranger to you. However, you will be surprised by the varieties of these Heirloom tomatoes or Heritage tomatoes.
For those who do not know, these fruits are identified as the family of strawberries.
They are not only diverse in color, shape, but also the properties inside Heirloom tomatoes vary by type. That’s why their stunning array of color and unique flavor will stimulate both your sight and taste buds, leaving you hooked.
This kind of fruit can be sliced up and eaten fresh, or you can use them for making juices and sauces. No matter how you use them for serving your taste, they won’t disappoint you.
11. Hardy Kiwi
Hardy kiwi is a green fruit that first appeared in Asian regions such as Korea, Japan, and Northern China.
They are about the size of a cherry tomato, and they have fuzz-free and soft skin, which is different from regular kiwis. Thus, you can eat them with the skin on.
Hardy kiwi is only slightly sweeter than regular kiwis, so you can find them in several dishes using kiwis like jams or desserts. In addition, this fruit is very fragrant and rich in vitamin C.
Other H-Starting Fruits For You To Try
The family of berries pretty much dominates this list. However, exciting things you have never heard of are still behind. Don’t skip them if you don’t want to miss this helpful knowledge.
12. Horned Melon
Every external feature is reflected in the name people give it; the Horned melon with its spikey appearance, also known as the African cucumber, Jelly melon, African horned melon, Kiwano, comes from Africa. It is now popular in California and New Zealand.
It looks like an oval melon surrounded by thorns like horns. When ripe, its rind will gradually turn orange. The flesh inside consists of a vicious, green color of lime and yellow substances containing numerous edible seeds. Its flavor is considered a blend of the cucumber and melon family.
Although Horned melon is quite rare and difficult to find in supermarkets, it’s extremely good to include it in your diet. Horned melons have a significant nutrient content.
Not only is it a rich source of vitamins and minerals, but it is also high in water, low in calories, and abundant in antioxidants that are extremely beneficial to your health. Moreover, if you are a fan of cocktails, don’t miss this kind of fruit; you will be surprised by your new recipe of cocktail.
13. Hairless Rambutan
It seems that you are skeptical about this hairless rambutan. It’s surprising, isn’t it? But you are not mistaken. The Hairless rambutan is a closely related version of the rambutan that you still enjoy every day, except that it doesn’t have as many hair-like spines as regular ones.
Hairless rambutan comes from Indonesia and Malaysia. It is a kind of tropical white-seed fruit with red flesh.
Just like normal rambutan, after peeling off the outer skin, Hairless rambutan also has a sweet and delicious taste which is identified as Lychee fruit, making it an ideal choice after family meals. They are not only suitable for desserts but also a good option for picnics.
You can eat them fresh as soon as you pick them up. Therefore, if you enjoy them at that time, you will have a chance to savor their flavor at its peak.
14. Hala Fruit
Hala fruit is a large fruit found in Southeast Asia, Eastern Australia, Pacific Islands, and Hawaii. It is likened to a work of art because of its beautiful bright color, unique texture, and special shape that is difficult to find in other fruits.
Bright orange segments grow from a hard white center and are covered by a surrounding green cluster, creating a beautìul composition like vibrant flowers.
The taste of Hala fruits has been compared by some to that of jackfruits. However, rather, the flavor of Hala fruits is a cross between mango, pineapple, and banana, resulting in a sweet, unforgettable tropical flavor.
This is a good source of beta carotene and many nutrients. It boosts the immune system, promotes heart health, improves digestion, and has many other health benefits.
Surely when you see Hala fruits, you can wonder how you can eat them, but things are not as complicated as you think. When they are ripe, you can use your hand or a small knife to separate the segments and eat the soft flesh inside.
How surprised these Hala fruits can make you feel!
15. Hog Plums
Hog plums, also known as Yellow mombin, are a kind of fruit that originated from the tropical Americas. Reflected in its second name, these tropical fruits are covered by yellow skin.
Depending on its ripeness, its flavor will change, creating special features. However, it’s often sweet, a little bit sour, and tangy, compared to the taste of a Granny Smith apple.
Because of the hard-to-separate spines, you can’t eat them raw like other fruits. They are rich in calcium and especially good for your health. Therefore, it is also used as a treatment in traditional medicine for diseases related to bones, joints, and many other diseases.
In addition, it also appears as an accompaniment in Mexican cuisine. Several people even use this fruit as a spice to increase the flavor of smoothies or other juices.
16. Hazelnut
Hazelnut is a fruit commonly grown in Italy, Turkey, Greece, Spain, Great Britain, and the United States. It is also the exclusive case of nuts considered a fruit.
Many people often confuse hazelnut and chestnut because they are pretty similar in appearance. However, the size of hazelnut is smaller than that of chestnut, and the taste and nutritional content are entirely different.
Hazelnut has a high nutritional content, providing many essential nutrients for the body such as protein, vitamin K, Omega 3, etc.
Hazelnut is a nut commonly used in baking or chocolate processing. Depending on the using purposes, it can be eaten raw or baked. All bring unforgettable taste.
17. Honeydew Melon
Honeydew is the American name of White Antibes. Besides these two famous names, it is also called Hmazil by the Mizo people. More interesting, they will call them Melon tuna or Prickly pear melon in Chile.
This kind of fruit is a popular fruit similar in size and shape to other relatives from the same cantaloupe group. They are covered by a smooth shell, ranging in color from white to yellow or green.
One of the highlights that make it so popular is its taste. Beneath the surface, the flesh appears extremely sweet, with its typical pale green color, thick, dense, and succulent, with a hint of musky aroma.
Although famous for its delicious taste, the Honeydew melon will surprise you with its nutrient content as well as the remarkable benefits it brings to your health.
Honeydew melon contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that are not only good for the immune system, the digestive system but also help to reduce blood pressure, make bone healthy, etc.
You can consume it as a dessert, immediately enjoying its refreshing taste. Or, to reduce boredom in the diet, you can use it to make salads, soups, or blend into smoothies.
Discover some interesting facts about Honeydew melon that you have never heard before.
18. Hottentot Fig
Hottentot fig originates from Southern Africa that can be found in several coastal habitats, especially sea cliffs and dunes. Sour fig, Ice plant, or Highway ice plant are also the nicknames of these fruits.
The fruit closely resembles a fig not only due to its appearance but also its taste inside. Hottentot fig has a sour taste and has many seeds inside.
They are usually eaten raw, dried, or used to make a jam. In addition, they are also used to cook for fungal and bacterial infections.
19. Huito Fruit
Huito fruits, also nicknamed Genipa Americana, are grown and flourish in rainforests. They originate from Northern South America, the Caribbean, and South Mexica.
They are characterized by an oval shape with a variation of colors from yellow to brown. There are many cream-colored seeds inside this kind of fruit, and their taste is also very juicy.
You can enjoy these fruits at their peak when they are ripened. In addition to eating them raw, you can use them to make jams, juices, drinks, etc. Huitochado is one of the most famous alcoholic beverages made from huito.
20. Honeycrisp Apple
Honeycrisp apple is a modern variety of apple bred and developed by the University of Minnesota in the 1960s to adapt to the bitter cold of winter in some parts of the United States. Until the 1990s, this variety of apples was sold in the market.
The color of Honeycrisp apples is not much different from the original apples. It has a diverse variation from green to red-orange; sometimes, they are also pale yellow or even dark pink if grown in good sunlight. Occasionally, the skin of these fruits is mottled.
The flesh of these apples is white, quite crispy, has a sweet taste with a hint of acidity, and gives a feeling of freshness.
Interesting secrets about the price of Honeycrisp apples in the market.
21. Honey Locust / Thorny Locust
Honey locust is a member of the bean family and native to America. The word “honey” of its name is the description of the sweet substance found in its pod. This fruit is covered with menacing thorns, which is why it is also named Thorny locust.
These fruits appear abundantly in the fall, having an elongated shape. The inside is called pulp which is sweet and fleshy like honey and edible. They are also used to make tea. Moreover, Native Americans also make use of them in traditional medicine.
22. Hyuganatsu
Hyuganatsu, or Citrus tamurana, is a medium-sized citrus fruit popular in Japan. The name “Hyuganatsu” of this fruit comes from Hyuga and the word “natsu” which exactly means “summer”. In addition, people also called them Konatsu, Tosakonatsu, or even new summer oranges.
They are usually round, and the rind turns yellow when ripe. The inner flesh of this fruit is soft and succulent. Like other fruits from the citrus branch, they have a sweet and slightly sour taste; the peels give off a sweet aroma that creates a feeling of lightness and comfort.
They are a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin C, playing a key role in helping maintain and develop the function of the immune system. Because of their high nutritional values, these fruits are not only eaten fresh; they are also used in appetizers, salads, sauces, juices, and as an ingredient in the process of making cookies, cakes, etc.
Don’t skip this video if you want to know how to eat Hyuganatsu.
23. Hawaiian Mountain Apples
Through their name, you can easily know that these Hawaiian mountain apples are grown and popular in Hawaii. However, an interesting thing here is that Polynesian settlers from Malaysia are the people who brought them to the islands.
It is also known by some other names such as Rose apple, Malay apple, or Water apple. They have a wide variety of shiny colors, ranging from pale pink, vibrant red, and even dark red. Its bell-shaped body is the feature making them more special than other fruits.
When looking at these fresh fruits, you will think that they are ripe together. Just like other apples, the flesh of Hawaiian mountain apples is sweet and crispy. That said, this is an ideal choice for desserts or a refreshing snack.
Let’s Try Making Your Meals With These Fruits Starting With H
Invite your friends to play a small game of listing fruits beginning with the letter H. I believe that your immense knowledge about them will make your friends surprised.
Moreover, don’t be afraid of trying new fruits as well as new recipes made from them. Just enjoy what you want and share your experience with me.
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